


30 Broadgate




PE12 6HY

Tel 01406 371231



Dear Councillor


The Annual Parish Council Meeting of Weston Parish Council will take place at Weston Hills Village Hall on Monday 1st July 2024 at 07:30pm. There will be a 15 minute public forum at the beginning of the meeting after which members of the public are welcome to remain for the remainder of the meeting with the exception of the closed session at the end of the evening should one be deemed necessary. However, members of the public may not speak on any matter after the public session is closed.




1).           Apologies

2).           Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

3).           Minutes of previous meeting 13th May 2024

4).           Co-option of New Parish Councillor

5).           Public Forum

6).           Matters Arising from previous meeting

7).           Correspondence

                email re. Chairman SHDC Church Service Moulton 29th September 2:30pm.

8)            CSW / SID

9).           Allotments

                Vacancy for new tenant

                Proposed new tenancy agreements and charges

10).        Weston Playing Field

11).        Weston Hills Playing Field

12).        Planning Matters

                H22-0276-24, H22-0280-24, H22-0296-24, H22-0984-23, H22-0313-24, H22-0202-24.

                H22-0515-24, H22-0349-12.

13).        Financial Report to 30th June 2024

14).        Outer Dowsing, National Grid & Meridian Solar Farm

15).        Cllr Halgarth’s disqualification and co-option

16).        Social Media

17).        Standing Orders Training

18).        Grievance Policy

19).        Delegation of Councillors to represent PC on outside bodies

20).        Items for Discussion not on the Agenda

21).        Date of Next Meeting 5th August at Weston Village Hall

22).        Consider moving into closed session to discuss confidential matters.




Graham French, Clerk / RFO.