


Minutes of meeting held on Monday 8th January 2024 at Weston Village Hall.

Commenced at 7.30pm.

Present:-                   Cllrs, Dicks, Bellamy, Brotherton, Higgins, Pratt, Pennington.

In Attendance:-       Dist Cllrs Woolf, Casson and two members of the public.

24.000 Apologies :- Cllrs Dark, Bunder, Ellis.

24.001 Declaration of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr Pennington & Cllr Pratt re H22-1070-23

24.002 Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on 4th December 2023

The minutes of the meetings having been circulated were taken as read by the Chairman and signed as a true record.

24.003 Public Forum

Dist Cllr Casson reported that there had been flooding in the parish following the heavy rain that had fallen recently with Cowbit wash being flooded.

A resident Alan Barnsdale said that there were two road signs in the dyke in front of the Persimmon development. The Chairman said he would report them to the correct authority.

A resident Ben Halgarth reported pot holes and raised manhole covers in Weston Hills. The Chairman advised that he should report them on the “Fix my Street” website.

Dist Cllr Woolf commented on the surface of the road in Beggars Bush.

24.004 Matters Arising

At the last meeting the dredging of dykes at both playing fields had been discussed. The Clerk reported that Mr Clay who farmed the land to the north of Weston playing field had said that he would dredge that dyke at a cost of £200. Mr Gibson when contacted about the dyke on the south side had said he did not think that dredging was necessary. After discussion it was agreed to wait three months and re-evaluate the matter in three months.

24.005 Co-option of Parish Council

The Clerk reported that no election had been called for the vacant seat for the Parish Council. It was agreed to advertise the post on facebook and in the Oracle with a view to co-opting in February or March.

24.006 Correspondence

e-mail received from Weston Village Hall informing the Parish Council of new terms and conditions. Payment for hiring the hall was now expected in advance with a £50 deposit fee being charged to cover any damage that might be caused at the hall.


24.007 CSW/SID

The chairman reported that the CSW would be starting again w/c 15th January. He was also looking at the feasibility of installing an SID unit on Moulton Chapel road.

Cllr Bellamy said that it was expected that the new SID unit, programmed at 40mph would be in position later in the week.

24.008 Weston Playing Field

Cllr Bellamy reported that she was waiting on final quotes for CCTV at the playing Field. Cllr Higgins said she had received negative comments from parishioners about the plan to install CCTV at the playing field.

24.009 Weston Hills Playing Field

Cllr Bellamy reported she was in the process of getting planning permission and quotes for the play equipment.

24.010 Planning Applications

Notification of applications for consideration available via the SHDC website.

H22-0222-23, H22-0931-23 Refused by SHDC.

H22-0979-23, H22-1054-23 Approved by SHDC

H22-1070-23*, H22-1031-23, H22-1032-23 No Objections.

* Cllr Pennington left the meeting for H22-1073-23 returning after the matter had been discussed.

24.011 s106 Update

Cllr Brotherton reported that progress is being made with regards the provision of electricity at Weston Playing field despite numerous obstacles and delays.

24.012 Finance Report

The financial report to 31st December 2023 having been circulated was taken as read and its contents noted. Please see accompanying report.

24.013 Budget 2024/25 S137 Grants Precept

It was agreed to move the item into closed session.

24.014 Items for Discussions

Cllr Pratt made comment about the condition of the defibrillator box at Weston Hills Village hall. The Clerk assured those present that the defibrillator and box were in full working order but the box was looking “tired”. Cllr Pratt said he was due to attend a meeting of the Village Hall committee later in the week and would take note of their comments.

Cllr Pennington reported that cables are planned to be laid under the river to a National grid substation. There will be meeting at “Wigwams” on 26th January should anyone wish to attend.

The chairman asked if the council should consider employing someone to clean the new bus shelters on a periodic basis and it was agreed to make this an agenda item for the next meeting.

24.015 Date of Next Meeting

             Monday 5th February 2024 at Weston Hills Village Hall 7:30pm.


Dist Cllrs and members of the public left the meeting.

The meeting then went into closed session.



Chairman …………………………………………………….