



Minutes of meeting held on Monday 5th February 2024 at Weston Hills Village Hall.

Commenced at 7.30pm.

Present:-                   Cllrs, Dicks, Bellamy, Brotherton, Pratt, Pennington.

In Attendance:-       Seven members of the public.

24.016 Apologies :- Cllrs Dark, Bunder, Ellis, Higgins

                                 District Councillors Casson, Sneath, Woolf.     

24.017 Declaration of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr Pennington  re National Grid 24.028.

24.018 Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on 8th January 2024 and Closed sessions 4th …………December 2023 and 8th January 2024.

The minutes of the meetings having been circulated were taken as read by the Chairman and signed as a true record.

24.019 Public Forum

Holly Johnson a representative of Weston Hills School asked if the Parish Council would allow the school children to have an area within Weston Hills playing field to grow plants and flowers. Cllr Bellamy will liaise with the school. The matter to be made an agenda item at the next meeting.

24.020 Matters Arising

The Council will look to co-opt a new Councillor at its next meeting on 4th March.

24.021 Correspondence

e-mail received from resident voicing concerns over the new National Grid project. Dealt with under agenda item.

e-mail received from the Elloe Oracle thanking the Parish Council for its s137 grant.

Two emails received from the SHDC informing the council that the SHDC Chairman is holding a quiz night at Cowbit on 16th February and “Bake Off” event at SHDC on 30th March.

24.022 CSW/SID

The chairman reported that the CSW was once again in operation. The Chairman has spoken to LRSP with a view to getting a “repeater speed sign” on Moulton Chapel road and getting a new pole installed so that the mobile SID unit can be used on Moulton Chapel road.

Cllr Bellamy said that the SID unit had been sent away for re-calibration and hoped it would soon be back in place.

24.023 Weston Playing Field

Cllr Brotherton reported that work was now scheduled to install electricity at Weston Playing field from 1st to 6th April which might cause some disruption on Small Drove. Cllr Bellamy continues to work on CCTV cameras, electric gates and new play equipment and is hopeful that work might commence in May/June 2024.

24.024 Weston Hills Playing Field

Cllr Bellamy said that planning application had now been submitted for the play equipment and that it might be installed in April 2024.

24.025 Cleaning of Bus Shelters

The Chairman reported that Cllr Dark had volunteered to clean the six bus shelters three times a year.

24.026 Planning Applications

Notification of applications for consideration available via the SHDC website.

H22-0698-23, H22-1011-23, H22-1064-23, H22-1015-23, H22-1031-23, H22-1032-23, H22-0006-24 All approved by SHDC.

24.027 s106 Update

The Chairman reported that the Parish Council had been in touch with SHDC as it believed that the required number of occupancies on the Ashwood site had been reached which would trigger the £40k s106 payment. The Parish Council is waiting on SHDC’s reply.

24.028 National Grid & Outer Dowsing Projects

The National Grid & Outer Dowsing projects were discussed at length. Cllr Pennington having attended meetings on both projects reported his findings to those present. The Clerk displayed information on the location of the proposed National Grid sub-station for Weston Marsh and the proposed route of new pylons in the parish. It was agreed that this was the start of a long process and that the Parish Council will monitor the progress of the project. As Parish Councils are consultees on the project it was agreed to compile a list of Parish Councils impacted by the project with a view to contacting these councils to form a group of Parish Councils that could then approach the Secretary of State.


24.029 Finance Report

The financial report to 31st January 2024 having been circulated was taken as read and its contents noted. Please see accompanying report.

24.030 Items for Discussions

Cllr Bellamy reported that new Shared Prosperity funding would again be available commencing in March.

Cllr Brotherton commented on the number of damaged road signs in the parish which she continues to report via “Fix My Street”.

Cllr Pennington commented on the failure of the relevant agencies to dredge the waterways despite them saying in 2021 that they had funds to do so.

The Clerk said he had received a telephone call from a resident complaining about dog faeces on Weston Hills playing field. Cllr Bellamy said she would investigate the complaint.

24.031 Date of Next Meeting

             Monday 4th March 2024 at Weston Village Hall 7:30pm.


The Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting at 8:27pm.



Chairman …………………………………………………….